Email from Doug Busey as talked about in meeting at Marvin Moss

From dougbusey Date 2014-02-05 15:42
From dougbusey
To John Rhoads
Cc Jack Haddock
Date 2014-02-05 15:42
Priority Normal
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Hi John;


We have  some concerns about the Golf Course Committee.  I am going to be out of  town until early May.  Jack and I talked about the Golf Course Committee  and think that what we are working on, getting investors and getting the golf  course out of the hands of the current owners is our objective and is not part  of the Homeowners Association business.  We feel that we should sit on the  sidelines until we see what the current owners do about the back taxes, liens,  etc..


We do  believe that your getting involved with getting support from the Homeowners is  very important.  I am sure during this period of getting investors that it  might behoove the Homeowners Association to have legal representation about any  items that might affect the Homeowners.  The D’Andrea Handbook specifies  all the information about the golf course which the Homeowners Association  should follow as they do with all current homeowners responsibilities.  We  believe your idea about the Homeowners Association providing legal counsel not  to exceed $5000, is a very important step for the Homeowners.


We also  believe that the information we provided to the Board, which they have paper  copies of, be disseminated to all homeowners so they are aware of what is  happening to their golf course.  We have yet to see any of this information  provided to homeowners.


We will keep  you updated on anything new we receive about the golf course.


Keep up the good work



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Thanks to all 138 votes. I am now on the board. Results of first meeting:

If any of you have any interest in keeping the golf course, I strongly recommend YOU come to the next board meeting.  If you are reading this you must be concerned with home values. The homeowners that attended tonight seemed more interested in spending association money on a upgrade on the existing fountain.

The meeting tonight could have gone better. In my opinion 90 percent  or more of the attendees were from Toscanna. I don’t be leave it was a true reflection of all homeowners. One board member made a statement to the effect that “homeowners voted overwhelmingly to close the golf course.”  I recall the homeowners voted to not increase the monthly fee by $32.00. This was a vote not to finance the current golf course owner.

There was some good news from a couple home owners in attendance. The golf course is in arrears on the property taxes.  The course is broken in to six parcels. The county assessor  seems to have agreed that the individual sale of each parcel would be the demise of the course and the Sparks Master Plan.

The next meeting will be sometime in January. I will be posting the time and date as soon as I know. Please try to attend. It would be helpful to have opinions from a larger cross section of D’Andrea residents.

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